Leaders in Environmental and Transportation Infrastructure Services


Tomlinson Red Army Raises $8,140.00!

Thank you to everyone that donated and participated in the 2013 Movember! We raised a grand total of $8,140.00 The McCarney Family Foundation donated $3,400 to the Tomlinson Red Army team, with the following message: We've all been affected in some way by cancer and men's health issues. Tomlinson Red…

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Improved Employee Survey Results!

The 2013 employee survey results are in with a 57% response rate. Overall, the survey results have improved over last year in each area: employee engagement, communication, training and development, performance management and safety. In the upcoming weeks, you will be receiving a letter to your home with the summary…

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Tomlinson Launches Red Army Gear!

We are excited to announce that on September 20th, we will be launching our new Red Army Gear Online! As a result of our Core Values “Team Work” initiative, our group endeavoured to create this non-profit online site. An online store seemed like the perfect way to infuse team spirit…

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