Datashred Security / Datastore Records Management
Datastore Records Management is now open and fully operational. This is a perfect addition to Datashred Security, with more to offer our clients and a focus on information security. We are not just a shredding or a storage company, but a partner to our clients, helping them to protect their organization’s customers, employees, and suppliers, and keeping sensitive information from potentially damaging and or embarrassing privacy breaches. At the same time, we offer best practices and solutions to ensure our partners remain compliant with respect to privacy laws and regulations. We are currently in the process of becoming AAA certified by the National Association for Information Destruction and we already meet or exceed their standards for the document destruction industry.
The Ottawa Police have once asked again for us to partner with them to help protect individuals from identity theft by providing on-location shredding services in some Ottawa neighbourhoods. Residents will be able to bring confidential documents to be shredded for a food or monetary donation, with proceeds going to the Ottawa Food Bank. In the past, this has been a great way for us to give back to the community and support our local food banks, and we’re looking forward to providing this service again. Once a date and location is determined, we will post an update on the Datashred Security website. Our goal is to time this right after our tax season if possible. A natural growth or next step will be in regards to digital or cloud based backup solutions and converting paper files to soft copy. In the meantime we are looking to potentially partner with a third party to offer these services.