Tomlinson Win’s Two Kingston Business Awards

Tomlinson Group of Companies is thrilled to announce our recent success at the Kingston Business Awards, where we received two prestigious awards. We are delighted to have received the Skilled Trades Award and the Employer of the Year Award, recognizing our unwavering commitment to excellence in the skilled trades sector and our dedication to fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace environment for our employees.

Skilled Trades Award

At Tomlinson, we have been actively challenging stereotypes surrounding skilled labor and attracting young, talented individuals to join our team. Almost 80% of our Kingston team is comprised of skilled trades professionals who are integral to our operations.

Our organizational strategy over the past three years has focused on a field-first mentality and a core value of growth. Through initiatives like collaborations with high schools and colleges in Ontario, career fairs, and engagement with technical school students, we aim to showcase the diverse career opportunities available in the skilled trades sector and support individuals in building their skills.

Employer of the Year Award

We are grateful to have been recognized with the Employer of the Year Award for our steadfast commitment to employee growth and development, offering resources that support physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being. With a central focus on team building and nurturing talent, we provide our employees with over 100 class sessions annually, empowering them to achieve their professional goals. Our team is dedicated to creating an inclusive workplace culture and works to recognize employees for their hard work and dedication through multiple employee recognition programs.

Our competitive compensation package includes attractive wages, bonus programs, health and dental benefits, extensive training opportunities, tuition reimbursement, retirement benefits, employee discounts, and other rewards programs. With a low employee turnover rate, our commitment to employee satisfaction and retention is evident.

At Tomlinson Group of Companies, we are proud to be acknowledged for our achievements in the skilled trades sector and as an outstanding employer, and we remain dedicated to driving excellence, growth, and inclusivity within our organization.