Page 19 - Tomlinson Times - Summer 2016
P. 19

EmployEE surVEys for 2016

For 10 years Tomlinson has been doing an annual employee survey. The feedback we’ve 

received during surveys has helped guide the company to make decisions that benefited 

both the employees and Tomlinson such as adding an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), 

adjusting the vacation benefits, increasing the RRSP/DPSP contributions,Tomlinson University 

courses and bursaries and just recently introducing an employee discount program partnered 

with some of our vendors.

The survey has told us where we are managing our 

locaions well and where we need to improve. We are proud of 

the fact that in 2015, our overall employee engagement score 
We coninue to encourage 
was 75% which is in the top quarile for our benchmarking 
each employee to speak up 
and tell their supervisor 

Over the past 10 years survey methodology has changed. what’s on their minds. We 

Methodology has moved from employee saisfacion surveys don’t want you to feel you 

– are you happy at work – to employee engagement surveys need to wait unil there
– are you inspired to do your best work. Methodology moved 
is a formal survey to be 
from purely paper-based surveys to a combinaion of on-line 
heard. If you’re not sure 
surveys and paper-based surveys. Survey professionals, such 
how to approach your 
as TalentMap the company that Tomlinson partners with, 
supervisor or you have 
and use of benchmark data have brought more validity to the 
an idea about a change 
survey process. Another change is that the survey industry has you’d like to see you

also moved to Pulse Surveys.
can always contact 

A pulse survey is diferent than tradiional employee 

survey in that a pulse survey is brief, more speciic and is as a staring point.

conducted on smaller, pre-deined employee groups.
This year we will not be conducing our tradiional 
Ron Tomlinson and Kevin Cinq-Mars 
Employee Survey, but we will be conducing a couple of shorter 
are committed to visiting as many sites 
pulse surveys with a limited number of teams. This will give us 
again this year as possible to meet with 
focused informaion to see if some of the changes we’ve made 
employees, check-in with them and provide 
during the past year have made an impact on those teams.

For the larger group of employees, we want to avoid an update on the business. They are also 

survey faigue. Plus, with some of the changes we’ve made committed to continuing to drive employee 

it takes ime to trickle down throughout the company to engagement even higher by building 

start really feeling the impact of improvements we are trying upon our employee growth opportunities, 
to make. For 2016, we will not be having the full employee 
culture of innovation and keeping everyone 
survey across all groups, but holding pulse surveys for some 
informed of what our long term vision for 
of the teams. In 2017, you can expect to see the full employee 
their division and the company is and what 
engagement survey again, so we can see where our successes 

are and where we can coninue to grow and improve. Holding part you play in that vision.

employee engagement surveys every two years is a best 

pracice supported by surveying companies like TalentMap.


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