Page 17 - Tomlinson Times - Summer 2016
P. 17


Erp update

In the previous edition of the Tomlinson Times, we discussed the Request for Proposal (RFP) sent 

to nine prospective ERP vendors. Since that time, we have made significant progress in the project.

Firstly, we are pleased to announce that Michael Clement We are pleased we are now down to three potenial ERP 

has accepted an ofer to join Christopher Flann, Bert Hendriks, soluions with their respecive implementaion partners (in no 
Vince Siemens, Mat Blake and Mike Evans on the ERP Selecion paricular order):

Commitee. Michael’s knowledge and experience will not only • Microsot Dynamics AX to be implemented by Avanade

add the Environmental Services prospecive to our evaluaion • SAP Business All-in-One to be implemented by Illumii
process but will add to our vision to choose and implement the 
• Oracle JD Edwards to be implemented by ISP3
soluion with the opimal it for the enire Tomlinson Group.
At the ime of wriing of this aricle, each of the vendors 
As menioned, the RFP was sent to nine prospecive vendors has been performing Discovery Sessions to glean addiional 
represening eight ERP soluions. In addiion to reviewing the 
informaion not only about the 1,020 requirements included 
RFP documents prepared, we asked each vendor to give a three- 
in the RFP as well as Tomlinson itself. Each vendor will then 
hour overview presentaion to the Commitee of:
prepare a two-day Tomlinson-speciic demonstraion of their 

• The irm who is proposed to implement the ERP
proposed soluion to an extended group of approximately 30- 
• The ERP soluion itself
40 key Tomlinson users.
• The proposed implementaion methodology and imeline

• The iniial budget for implementaion
• A brief demonstraion of the ERP
Want to knoW What happEns nExt?
Through these presentaions, we were able to pare down 

the nine vendors to four possible vendors. From this list of In the next edition of the Tomlinson Times, we will 

four, we performed a series of reference calls with companies provide an update on the vendor presentations and 
who have implemented the proposed soluions. The reference 
the final steps leading into the commencement of 
calls provided another level of perspecive as to the viability of the ERP implementation. Do you have questions 

the proposed soluion and the implementaion partner.
or comments?

Send an email to the ERP Team at:

Curious about what materials 

actually go into making a road?

Check out the Tomlinson Rocks 

video, where we share how each 

of our divisions come together in 

order to create high quality Roads, 

Runways, Railways and Bridges.

Watch now at:


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