Page 9 - Tomlinson Times - Summer 2016
P. 9


coming soon!
tomlinson’s compliancE 

officEr: CompLyIng WIth 
tomlinson’s safety

CommerCIaL VehICLe 

recognition program
operator regIStratIon 

(CVor) guIdeLIneS
Safety is a Core Value at tomlinson. We all 

strive to work safely, and ensure everyone 

The Compliance Officer at Tomlinson has a safe place to work. the one desire 

oversees the corporate compliance program, of all companies is to have zero lost 

functioning as an independent and objective time injuries from workplace accidents. 

body that reviews and evaluates commercial 
employees should be recognized for their 
motor vehicle issues and concerns within the 
safety efforts and their actions to reduce 
lost time injuries. at tomlinson, we would 

They also ensure that senior management and all like to do just that! We will be implementing 

employees are mindful of the rules and regulaions of the 
regulatory agencies, company policies, and that established a new Safety recognition program.

procedures are understood and followed. They monitor daily 
The Safety Recogniion Program is intended to 
compliance and ensure that the appropriate resources are 
available to invesigate and resolve safety issue as they arise. 
recognize divisions within Tomlinson that meet milestone 
The Compliance Oicer is relied upon to be a liaison between 
ime periods with zero lost ime injuries. The program is 
management and employees and they lead by example 
through teaching, training and mentoring others to highlight based on the hours a division works and the number of 

the company’s commitment to safety.
lost ime injuries that division has had during a set period 

of ime.
Some of the training and aciviies the Compliance Oicer 
would lead might include:
There are four diferent achievement levels – bronze, 

silver, gold and plainum. The longer a division works lost 
• In-Cab: remedial training-assessing, reevaluaing and 
making recommendaions post collisions/incidents, 
ime injury free, the higher the level they will achieve. 
evaluaing pre-hires and report indings to management, 
More details of the program will be sent out soon.
and giving refreshers to exising employees on the 
Highway Traic Act and defensive driving techniques

• Spot Checks: conducts regular in-depth Commercial 

Vehicle Safety Inspecions, reports all outcomes to With every lost time injury prevented, our 

management and follows up on the upkeep
company as a whole benefits. Best of all, 

• Skills On-Hand: assising and training exising employees our workers go home just as they were 
on classiicaion drivers license upgrades, shows efecive 
when they came to work that day and every 
and eicient vehicle inspecion techniques
other day – that’s the highest achievement 
• In-Class: provides training to meet regulatory Highway 
level there is!
Traic Act standards under hours of service, vehicle 
inspecion and cargo securement

The Compliance Oicer monitors commercial motor vehicle 

leet safety and commercial driver compliance ensuring that 

there is no conlict with the organizaional goals or the Ministry 
of Transportaion CVOR Public guidelines.

- Richard Holmes, Tomlinson’s Compliance Oicer
bronZe SILVer goLd pLatInum


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