Page 11 - Tomlinson Times - Summer 2016
P. 11


promotIng Safe drIVIng

in construction Zones

A new multi-platform province-wide campaign protect people that work in our industry. If we can save one 

from ORBA kicked off on Victoria Day weekend worker’s life this construcion season, this campaign will be 

to promote an important issue that – safe driving deemed a success.”
Tomlinson’s President, Kevin Cinq-Mars says, “With the 
in construction zones, and it’s already been seen 
summer season upon us and we deal with the increased traic 
more than 7.3 million times.
from long weekends, holidays, and our seasonal construcion 

aciviies, we’re proud to be a sponsor of the Ontario Road 
“Site Unseen” runs from Victoria Day through Labour Day 
Builders’ promoion of Safe
and aims to create greater awareness with Ontario drivers, Driving in Construcion

helping them to understand that construcion sites are Zones. Ensuring the safety of
workplaces, and that acing safely is essenial.
our workers and the public
Three short videos, featuring construcion workers in an is important – I encourage

oice environment imitaing reckless driving, leverage comedy everyone to view them and
to drive home the message that this behaviour “wouldn’t 
relect on the impact that
happen in your workplace, and shouldn’t happen in ours.”
reckless behaviour can have

The videos are available now on ORBA’s YouTube on the lives of our workers.”
channel. Watch them at htp://
Learn more about Site Unseen 
“Speeding, road rage, distracted driving in construcion 
zones can signiicantly impact someone’s life,” comments 
ORBA Execuive Director, Geof Wilkinson. “It’s criical we

How do we achieve COR?

Achieving COR starts with training, with each organizaion auditor will conduct the same audit and interviews as 
assigning a senior manager to represent Tomlinson as part of 
our internal auditor in order to validate the results. To be 
the COR process. This representaive must atend a half-day successful, we have to obtain a passing mark, with an overall 

course that covers the COR Essenials. In addiion to the senior score of 80% across the 19 COR elements, with every element 
manager, an employee is assigned to be an internal auditor. 
geing a result of at least 65%.
They will also atend training, taking four separate courses:
Ceriicaion is good for 3 years and an internal audit must 

be conducted and submited yearly to IHSA. At the end of 
year 3 an IHSA auditor will come and conduct another audit, 1
Cor essentials

complete with interviews, and if a passing grade is achieved 2
basic auditing principals

the ceriicaion is extended for another 3 years.
Cor Internal auditor
To date all the organizaions listed above have been 
Introduction to hazard and risk management
registered with IHSA. All have had their iniial COR meeing to 

discuss what COR is and to familiarize the organizaions with Ater compleing the training, we submit an applicaion 
the audit tool. Iniial audits, interview and audit reports have 
to register with the cerifying organizaion, the Infrastructure 
been completed for a number of the organizaions.
Health & Safety Associaion (IHSA). Once registered, we’re 

A lot of work has been done already and all the provided with an audit tool that allows us to perform an 
organizaions are hard at working improving on the areas that 
internal audit of our processes, completed by the internal 
needed atenion. The safety team has been busy assising auditor we’ve ideniied. This includes conducing interviews 
where needed and providing advice to assist in this process.
with managers and employees.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in Once the interviews and the audit have been completed, 
everything is submited to IHSA for approval, and an IHSA
the process so far!


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