Tomlinson Times - Summer 2016
P. 1

SuMMER 2016


Ensuring thE hEalth and safEty of 

our EmployEEs and thE public

With safety being one of Tomlinson’s Core Values, we have developed procedures and practices 

which ensure every one of our divisions and projects is a safe place for both the public and 

our employees. Whether it’s environmental services, construction, or aggregate and material 

production – the nature of our work means there could be any number of health and safety risks 

on a daily basis. So, how do we make sure none of those risks turns into a reality?
on route assessments, as well as frequent training on keeping omlinson Environmental Services ofers services such 

the public safe and vehicle operaion. As a commercial vehicle as curbside garbage pick-up, roll-of bins for residenial 

operator in Ontario, Tomlinson hires qualiied and licenced debris from renovaions, and front load bins for waste 

truck operators and holds a valid Commercial Vehicle Operator’s or recyclables for businesses. This means we are constantly in 

Registraion (CVOR) ceriicate.
close proximity to pedestrians and other drivers. To beter assist 

Safety is of the utmost concern to Tomlinson, numerous warning the public of the potenial dangers, we have installed 

procedures have been introduced to ensure safe work lashing lights and alarms as well as large decals on the sides 

environments for employees and safety for the public. of the trucks. Furthermore, in some cases trucks are stafed by 

Mandatory training depending on the division covers topics two operators: providing for a second set of eyes checking for 
such as traic low, traic awareness, and general health and members of the public.

safety best pracices to make sure everyone is up to date Our drivers and workers are subject to a rigorous training 

with the latest industry standards. Employees are all required
program. Ater their iniial evaluaion, employees have regular

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