Page 4 - Tomlinson Times - Summer 2016
P. 4
tomLInSon CeLebrateS the openIng
of its new Waste recovery centre in carp
Residents and families braved the light rain to celebrate a Tomlinson hosted community event at its
new Waste Recovery Centre in Carp on June 11th.
Otawa Mayor Jim Watson and Councillor Eli El-Chaniry
joined Tomlinson CEO Ron Tomlinson and President Kevin
Cinq-Mars in cuing the ribbon and introducing the new
facility, which oicially opened its doors on May 16th.
“tomlinson is thE EpitomE of a grEat
local community-mindEd company
that has bEEn a national and
intErnational succEss,” said mayor
Watson at thE EVEnt. “i just Want to
say thank you for doing this bEcausE
WE can’t kEEp burying our garbagE.”
Mayor Watson and Councillor El-Chaniry then presented
Tomlinson with a ceriicate on behalf of the city recognizing
Tomlinson for the innovaive centre. Also in atendance were
numerous other Otawa councillors and MPPs, including Lisa
MacLeod, Allan Hubley, Scot Mofat and Marianne Wilkinson.
Atendees were then treated to a free barbeque lunch
“onE of our corE ValuEs at tomlinson
courtesy of the Centurion Conference & Event Centre,
is to bE EnVironmEntally conscious
and Tomlinson staf volunteers were also on hand to help
coordinate facility tours and greet guests to the facility. Guests and find innoVatiVE solutions WhErE
were invited to take home a Tomlinson treeling and sport an
othErs sEE barriErs,” said tomlinson
environmentally-friendly temporary tatoo, and for younger
guests, enjoy leaping around in a bouncy castle.
prEsidEnt kEVin cinq-mars. “through
The centre, one of the most technologically advanced this cEntrE, WE arE proud to takE
of its kind in North America, is able to process more than 50
tonnes of construcion debris and remnant material per hour, anothEr stEp toWards furthEring
up to 500 tonnes each day. Tomlinson has set iniial goals to our mission to proVidE World-class
recover or recycle a minimum of 80 percent of the construcion EnVironmEntally-friEndly sErVicEs to
materials delivered for processing and that landill diversion
thE ottaWa community and bEyond.”
number will increase with demand.