Page 14 - Tomlinson Times - Summer 2016
P. 14
empLoyee ShoWCaSe: amy fox
Amy Fox received the Faces Magazine Award for “Ottawa’s Best Receptionist” in 2016. She was
nominated by her boyfriend Paul on the Faces website and through online voting - Amy won!
She is now in her 5th year with Tomlinson and loves her role here.
She enjoys being to “close the doors to the hallways that lead to recepion and
engaged in so many have her own litle area to herself”. She added that between
diferent areas at Tomlinson the appreciaion of employees, all of the company events
– from being the irst point that are held, training courses and other Tomlinson perks, this
of contact for anyone is somewhere she is happy to come to work and do her job
walking in, to helping out every day.
diferent departments
with tasks they may have. WInnIng thIS aWard WaS
She also enjoys the variety
truLy an honour and It
of what her posiion of
made her aWare that peopLe
a recepionist brings, at
the same ime feeling like she’s part of an incredible team of do notICe the great
people. Although she is at the front desk for the major part of Job She haS done and
her day and it can get very busy or loud, she jokes that she gets
ContInueS to do eVery day!
unique roles – jerry gibson
For Jerry Gibson, being a The role therefore demands a wide skill set with
Health & Safety Oicer is interpersonal skills top of the list. Prior to joining the Tomlinson
about much more than team Jerry worked as a security specialist with Siemens Canada.
wearing a safety hat on site. He knew he would have to quickly become acquainted with the
One of the unique aspects diferent health and safety regulaions across all the Tomlinson
of his role is the variety. industries but he has also found himself acing as a mediator
You could say he literally and advocate when it came to invesigaing an accident or
wears many diferent hats introducing new legislaion. It’s this people side of the job that
every day! Whereas most moivates him. “I don’t see my role as an enforcer of legislaion.
Health and Safety oicers Our team is there to support all the groups in their daily aciviies
work in just one ield, being
to promote a healthy and safe work environment.” One way in
a Tomlinson employee means that Jerry has to understand the which Jerry does this is by helping employees understand why
health and safety regulaions and risks in several industries – they have to abide by certain new codes of pracice. When the
from industrial, to construcion, to mining. And that’s one of the LRT project began there was a period of transiion mediaing
reasons he loves his job. “I visit job sites, carry out inspecions, between workers and contractors as to the new health and
oversee invesigaions and deal with authoriies. I’m more than safety requirements of the job. Jerry’s paience working through
just a trainer. I am also involved in developing procedures, the changes has paid of. “I’ve seen a posiive shit in the safety
assessing training needs, audiing courses, deciding how to culture over the years. Employees see it as part of daily life, they
deliver training, and providing informaion to managers and understand its importance. That’s job saisfacion.”
supervisors, not just the workers.”